A Word from Pastor Connie


My name is Connie Strefling-Schutte – I am a child of the most high king.  I was born and raised on a farm in Michigan, raised in a Christian home. I am happy and at peace when I am outdoors with God’s nature around me. I am a worshiper!!  I love God’s presence. It gives me such peace.

I have 6 grown kids... all 6 are married... All of my kids have a deep relationship with God... and are married to spouses that love the Lord too.  I am blessed with 15 beautiful grandchildren that call me “horsey grandma.”

My life experiences have given me a lot of the knowledge of what I teach. I have learned not only by my 30+ years of experiences in counseling and ministering, or by any of the degrees that hang on my wall..but by my own journey. By my relationship with “The Healer.”

I do not ever claim to have all the answers. Nor do I claim to be an expert in any given area…I only claim to know what I teach because of Jesus Christ and His love and grace in my life! When people ask me what method I use as I minister to people, I am quick to tell them…I LEAD PEOPLE TO JESUS CHRIST…He’s the healer, not me. I am so grateful that He allows me to be part of the healing HE does in people's lives.  I am always amazed at His never-ending love and forgiveness!

I am so grateful for His love and patience in my life..I am so humbled how He never gave up on me. That’s why I continue in this calling. 

Because Of Jesus,

Pastor Connie Strefling-Schutte

Revelation 19:1  I saw the heavens open and a white horse was standing  there, and the one sitting on the horse was JESUS and He is called “Faithful and True.”

Pastor Connie Strefling-Schutte
Founder of Vertical Healing Center
  Pastor Connie Strefling-Schutte