Why A Time of Healing?

In traditional prayer counseling ministry, a prayer minister meets with a client weekly in the office for one hour or less for several months or years. Between sessions, there are the everyday distractions of life: job stress, and relational conflicts. Many times, the client often only has time to go over the struggles from the past week and then the prayer ministry session is over.

The Time of Healing offers 15 consecutive hours 2 to 3 days (as scheduled) of specialized prayer counseling ministry at a peaceful, remote location which eliminates the distractions, stresses and noise of everyday life. This setting lends itself to a flow of peace and provides the perfect atmosphere for God to perform a miraculous healing in the lives of hurting individuals. Time is allowed for individual prayer, study, rest and reflection, which is beneficial to one’s healing. A wonderful opportunity is offered to explore a deepening relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Review of videos and books may be assigned for individualized learning. We find that this approach catapults the clients to a new level altogether in their relationship with the Lord and in their healing.


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